Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hasta Luego

As my first semester abroad comes to end, I find myself saying farewells to so many people.
The program I am studying through held a get together for students to see teachers and the program directors one last time, as well as our fellow students. With enthusiasm I happily told them each a thank you and told them I'd be back in the fall. I must admit, mine is an odd case. Most students who want to spend a year abroad go for an academic year, I chose the full calendar. I'll be honest, I'm not sure if they were looks of joy or horror when I told my teacher and the directors about my plans. Perhaps it was just polite interest. I know I haven't stood out significantly in my school. I've spent most of my time with a select few other students, quietly and submissively enjoying my surroundings and not causing a fuss.

But there is one place that I know has made an impact on me, and I believe I've made an impact on. My home stay. E and M have been wonderful hosts, despite the over bearing cat they keep. I am fortunate enough to be wanted back for the fall. As E was getting M ready for school this morning, E reminded her daughter that I would be leaving today. "Pero, no es adios. Solamente es hasta luego. Emi va a vuelve en el otoño." "But it isn't goodbye. It is only see you later. Emi will come back in the fall." She told her.
Before she left, M gave me a felt rose that she made at school. It is tradition in Catalonia to give women roses for Sant Jordi's day, on April 22. Since I won't be here, she gave it to me early.

Overall I've made some great friends and had a lot of great times this semester. I even had some people, who  thought were enemies any many ways, turn out to be friends in some ways too.
This summer I will be in Cantabria with my sister, Rana, and her dear in-laws. I am interviewing to be an Au Pair and will be taking Spanish language classes through a university.

Later this week I will update with pictures and stories about my Semana Santa vacation to Venice and Rome Italy.

Until next time: live, laugh, learn, and love!

~your friendly neighborhood Spidar Ant

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